Portal do Dog

Portal do Dog


Platform where millions of tutors and animal lovers are gathered in search of the best content and information for their puppies, as well as follow product launches, feeding tips, medications, services and news.

Brands have the opportunity to communicate efficiently with the community through publications, production of branded content prepared with veterinarians, demonstration of reviews and promotion consumer relationship actions.

Through Ramar Ventures’ e-learning and telemedicine platforms, it is possible for advertisers to finance and encourage consultations with veterinarians, dog trainers and other distance professionals to exercise even more power of influence through projects developed by four hands with agencies and advertisers.

There are thousands of articles, +2 million fans on Facebook, 70k followers on Instagram and ~ 1 million different pages/screens views per month.

The contents of the POrtal do Dog are also available in English and Spanish in its international version, the Dogation.com.

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