CONTENT, AUDIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY – Our proprietary technologies and in-house creative team, along with communities of passionate fans (UGC – User Generated Content) provide high quality information encapsulated in articles, forum topics and social media videos that impact millions of individuals.
BRANDS AND AGENCIES – Global and local brands or agencies in Brazil take part of these opportunities to legitimately and naturally influence their target audience through content-driven campaigns and media plans, as well as through digital or in-person workshops (to be resumed soon).
O2O SERVICES AND TOOLS – Our marketplaces, classifieds, platforms and digital tools allow millions of users to find the best products or services for their needs, including educational materials (courses), investment diital tools and platforms for live-remote guidance with specialists and experts.
PERSONALIZED AND TAILORMADE PRODUCTS – To be launched soon, our manufacturing plant (machines) and online store/platform will empower our audience to custom their personal identity into a vast variety of product such as jewelry, shirts, baby or pet toys/utensils, gadgets, moto equipment and personal items.